History of Our Chapter

Founded 1951

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean

Our Board Members

Antonio Walker

Antonio Walker

Bob Nunez

Bob Nunez

Cynthia Joseph

Cynthia Joseph

Hellen Sims

Hellen Sims

James Staten

James Staten

Mulugeta Habtegabriel

Mulugeta Habtegabriel

Nebi Alemu

Nebi Alemu

Pastor Jethro Moore II

Pastor Jethro Moore II

Roxana Marachi

Roxana Marachi

Tanya Patterson

Tanya Patterson

Antonio Walker

Antonio is a graduate of San Jose State University and works in the juvenile justice system. His passion is avocation for youth that have made mistakes and need assistance, especially mentoring. He is committed to promoting positive life skills, mentorship and health and wellness throughout the community. Since 2007, his organization, Walkmanz Productions, have established an annual coat drive, donating more than 4,000 coats to the community and continues to assist other non-profits.

Growing up in the South helped me develop into a willing advocate for civil and social justice. We have come far, but recent events like Ferguson and continued unequal and overcharging prison sentences for minorities, indicate we still have a long way to go. But…Yes We Can!

Bob Nunez

Cynthia Joseph

Hellen Sims

James Staten

Mulugeta Habtegabriel

Nebi Alemu

Pastor Jethro Moore II

Roxana Marachi

Tanya Patterson

History of Our Chapter

2008 to present

President Rev. Jethroe Moore II

is the co-founder of the Black Leadership Kitchen Cabinet (BLKC), co-founder of the Beloved Community, sustained the Youth Leadership Forum program and appointed by Gov. Brown to serve on the Police Officers Standards and Training program.


President Rick Callender

created the Youth Leadership Forum to provide leadership training for underserved youth, which became a model program. Addressed ‘Driving While Black’ issues on both the local and national level.


President Tony Alexander

provided leadership to the NAACP Youth Council members facing discrimination at local De nny’s Restaurant. Resolution of this case brought national changes to Denny’s customer relations.